So Saturday night, the Fabulous Wife (FW) and I went out to dinner with her Former Roommate On the Hill (FROTH) and her new beau. We ate at a wonderful new restaurant (
Del Merei Grille) in Alexandria. The food was great, the company was fun. Just one thing - the new beau is a Black Republican (BR). Now, there's nothing that bothers me more than BRs (not completely true, just using some hyperbole). I just want to shake some sense into them. "Don't you get that the leaders of your party wanted to keep us down? That it was against their objections and obstruction that we got the right to vote, to live where we want to live, to marry who we want to marry, to go to equal schools? That the leaders of your party, who were all Dems in our lifetime, switched parties because they couldn't stand the fact that the Democratic party became the party of the oppressed? What the hell is wrong with you???!?!?!?!"
But, because I promised FW that I would be on my best behavior, I almost bit my tongue off during dinner. BR owns his own software firm, so he's pro-business. Among his varied ideas are 1) We need to do something about India, because they're going to overtake us economically. By this he means send in special forces to disrupt India. Maybe start a war between them and Pakistan. 2) Do the same to China, 3) abolish minimum wage, because it's the workers fault that companies outsource work overseas. Just crazy ass shit like that. I finally lost it and went off on him, but in a, for me at least, subdued manner. I'll fill you in later, but I said something along the lines of life being about more than making money, that we as citizens need to show some altruism, and eveyone on earth has a responsibility to assist those less fortunate that ourselves. What some might call crazy liberal talk.