Sunday, November 27, 2005
Big Brother is watching
Right to privacy? Ha!! Not only are the CIA and FBI digging around in our business, but now the military has joined the party.
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
If the American people want us out of Iraq, and the Iraqi people want us out of Iraq, why the hell are we still in Iraq?
CAIRO, Egypt -- Reaching out to the Sunni Arab community, Iraqi leaders called for a timetable for the withdrawal of U.S.-led forces and said Iraq's opposition had a "legitimate right" of resistance.
Monday, November 21, 2005
My New Ride

In addition to having a date with my niece on Saturday, I also bought a new car. It's a Saab 9-5, my 2nd Saab. I've loved Saabs since I was a kid, mainly because they looked different. I had an old 900S for a few years, but got rid of it last year, it got to the point that it was just expensive to care for. I bought it used and it had major problems from Day 1. I had to redo the entire wiring for the car, get a new clutch, brakes, etc. The final straw was when the radiator cracked. No wonder the previous owner laughed as I drove off. Anyway, the 9-5 is a really nice car, easily the nicest car I've ever owned. What's funny is that the FW and I are now stereotypical liberals - mixed marriage, working for non-profits, driving a Volvo and a Saab.
Fun Weekend
So this past weekend, I gave up my tickets to the UVa - Va Tech football game (thank God, it was ugly) to spend the day with my 5 year old niece Kennedy. We originally planned to go bowling with her Daisy troop, but that got postponed until the spring, so we had a "date" instead. My sister dropped her off around noon and Kennedy looked so cute! She dressed up just for her Uncle Charlie - my sister said that she picked her clothes out herself. I took her into the city to show her the White House (Is that where the President lives? We don't like him, do we?), my office, and the monuments. Then we went to Petsmart to buy some treats for my dog, Kaleb, and look at the animals. She was fascinated by the lizards. Me, not so much. The highlight of our date was going to the movies to see "Chicken Little". She loved it, and I thought it was pretty cute. She was most excited by the popcorn and M&Ms. This was my first time going to a movie theatre filled with kids since I was a kid. It was actually pretty enjoyable - I love the sound of kids laughing. Afterwards, we went to Target (I needed some new hair clippers) and I bought her a new coloring book and a My Little Pony Christmas DVD. We got home just as the FW was getting back from class. We had Spaghettios for dinner (Yum!) and watched her new DVD while she did the FW's hair. I love my niece!! And can't wait to meet my newest niece Maya - I hope my brother and his wife can make it to the East Coast for the holidays.
Thursday, November 17, 2005
The Pot and the Kettle
Today, W's people had a lot to say about democracy in Venezuela, accusing the Chavez administration of:
Newly appointed Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon said that Chavez was centralizing power in the executive and politicizing the judiciary. Um, HELLO!! What the fuck is your boss doing, stupid-ass?
"The impact on the civic, political and economic life of the country is evident in increased self censorship by the media, lack of public confidence in the electoral system, reluctance to express disagreement with government policies for fear of retribution and capital flight," Shannon said.
In a classic example of irony, Vice President "Dick" Cheney said earlier this week that the suggestion that Americans were misled on pre-war intelligence was "one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city". He added: "The president and I cannot prevent certain politicians from losing their memory or their backbone. But we're not going to sit by and let them rewrite history."
"subverting democratic institutions by using them to restrict the rights of those who disagree with it, slowly undermining economic freedoms and rejecting the opportunities of globalization"
Newly appointed Assistant Secretary of State Thomas Shannon said that Chavez was centralizing power in the executive and politicizing the judiciary. Um, HELLO!! What the fuck is your boss doing, stupid-ass?
"The impact on the civic, political and economic life of the country is evident in increased self censorship by the media, lack of public confidence in the electoral system, reluctance to express disagreement with government policies for fear of retribution and capital flight," Shannon said.
In a classic example of irony, Vice President "Dick" Cheney said earlier this week that the suggestion that Americans were misled on pre-war intelligence was "one of the most dishonest and reprehensible charges ever aired in this city". He added: "The president and I cannot prevent certain politicians from losing their memory or their backbone. But we're not going to sit by and let them rewrite history."
Wednesday, November 16, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Let's get together and end this.
From the ONE Campaign:
This week, Congress will decide how much America will contribute toward an important international effort called the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria.
Let’s keep up the positive pressure: Please email Congress today and ask their support for $100 million in the Labor-HHS Appropriations Bill for the Global Fund-- an effort that fights back against three killer diseases and encourages other countries to do their share.
Please make the message as personal as you like -- these officials need to know that people from their hometowns, the people they represent, want them to help.
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Welcome Maya!!
Monday, November 07, 2005
I'm back
I'm back after a week's hiatus - I was in Phoenix for work and then spent a day in San Diego visiting my little brother and his wife. They're expecting their 1st child, and I was hoping the little one would make her appearance while I was in Cali. Oh well, I'll see her at Xmas!
Tomorrow is a huge day in Virginia, Election Day. Vote for Kaine, you'll be happy you did!
Tomorrow is a huge day in Virginia, Election Day. Vote for Kaine, you'll be happy you did!
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