So the reunion turned out to be a big success, even though most of our class didn't make it. I have to admit, the site (the local VFW hall) had me expecting the worse, but it was really alot of fun.
Before I start, I'll give you a little background. My high school, Gar-Field Senior High, is in Dale City, VA - a typical bedroom community about 25 miles south of DC. My closest friends were Suzy E., Scott S., Hutch C., David S., Nancy S., Beth W. and Kris F. We did everything together, and Hutch, Nancy and I stayed together for college (UVa). Hutch is now married and living in SF with a 2 year old son, Suzy is married and living in Delaware with 3 kids, Beth is living in Philadelphia, Kris is married with kids and living in Stafford, VA. Nancy passed away a few years ago, and we have no idea where David and Scott are. The last I heard time I talked to Scott about 2 years ago, he was living in NC. I ran into David 4 years ago downtown. Bizzarre experience I'll write about some other time. Anyway, the 8 of us were all high achieving kids - you could call us Nerdy Jocks or Jocky Nerds. I was also close with other people, but the 8 of us were super tight.
Anyway, back to the reunion. I was a at a table with Suzy, Rendino, Struble, Drew and Beth. Beth looked amazing (much to the dismay of all of the women at the reunion, I'm sure) as did Kristy P. Paige D., Karen F. and Colleen G. (all played tennis and were cheerleaders - they were good friends of ours too) all came together - Karen is expecting her 3rd child any day now, Paige just had her 2nd and I think Colleen has one kid. They all looked the same, meaning "hubba, hubba", especially for 38 year old moms!
Tonya A. was their and is expecting her 5th child. She's born again and married to a minister (her 2nd marriage). She looked awesome and is still really sweet. I had a huge crush on her - we were supposed to go watch Pretty In Pink our senior year but never got around to it. Penny T. is married to Matt C., and expecting her 5th any day now - their oldest starts G-F in the fall! Ruel and Martha (the Haymond twins) both came - Ruel is in Utah, married with 6 kids and about to adopt their 7th. Martha is in California with 4 daughters. It seemed that the only people without children were me, Drew, Pat Cooper and Chris Daniels. Sophia Tracey was their and looks the same, meaning beautiful. She grew up across the street from me. She was their with Kathy Rich, Margaret Zawisa and Marie Ellis - her best friends from back in the day.
Funny how all of the old clicks gravitated to each other - the tennis team, the cheerleaders (though they were kind of interchangeable), the "freaks", the Mormons, etc. The only black folks from our class to show up were me, Chris Daniels, Pat Cooper and Ebbie Hutson. Strange.
I didn't recognize alot of people, especially the ladies. Some looked amazing, others, not so much!
That's it for now. More later today.