Thursday, September 28, 2006

What Real Leaders Do

"Treat them with humanity, and let them have no reason to Complain of our Copying the brutal example of the British Army in their treatment of our unfortunate brethren…. Provide everything necessary for them on the road."

George Washington, after
capturing 1,000 Hessians in the Battle of Trenton. He ordered that enemy prisoners be treated with the same rights for which our nation was fighting.

May Our Children Forgive Us

"If Vice President Cheney is right, that some 'cruel, inhumane, or degrading' treatment of captives is a necessary tool for winning the war on terrorism, then the war is lost already."

Vladimir Bukovsky, who spent nearly 12 years in Soviet prisons, labor camps, and psychiatric hospitals for nonviolent human rights activities.

Monday, September 25, 2006

That's My Senator!

My government professor from UVa, Larry Sabato, is one of the most respected political analyst in the country. His "Crystal Ball" should be required reading before any election. Here's what he has to say about Senator Allen calling blacks "nigger" while he was a student at UVa in the early 70's.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Wednesday, September 20, 2006


I found this on Youtube today. It's a scene featuring the waterboarding torture technique from Season 3, Episode 2 of the 4400 on USA. This technique is one of the 'alternative interrogation techniques' that has been used in the global war on terror, and that W says is not "torture". What do you think?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Watch out DC, he's coming back!

Hey, 'skins fans. Remember the Norv Turner years? Remember the Heath Shuler experiment at QB? Well, looks like Heath is coming back! No, not on the field, but in the halls of Congress. Heath Shuler is running for Congress as a Democrat from North Carolina's 11th District, and he's leading in the polls. Good to see an athlete doing the right thing after his football career ends.

Body Armor

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Voting Problems in Maryland

Today was election day in many places across the country, including primary races in Maryland. The following is from my friend Marielle, telling about her problems voting today.

Hi all,
I just needed to share my voting frustrations. Montgomery County election workers screwed up big time today in the primaries. I showed up at 7:30 to the polling place and got turned away altogether..."Try back later" was their answer as someone had forgotten to include the voting cards needed for the electronic machines for ALL voting stations in the county. That's a pretty huge mistake!!!
I showed up again at 8:30 and voted on a provisional ballot, which apparently won't even get counted until Monday next week. I even have my doubts that they instructed me to do it properly and whether or not my vote will get counted as a result (which btw took me 30 minutes as it involved a ton of paperwork!).
Unfortunately some of the primary candidates I wanted to win have their strongest base in Mont. Co...I'm afraid this is going to negatively affect the final results!
GRRR...such incompetence! Read more about it in this Washington Post article.

Monday, September 11, 2006


The day it all changed.

Listening to the Howard Stern show now, they're replaying their live broadcast from that horrible day. I'd completely forgotten how incredibly chaotic that day was, all of the rumors of the Capitol being hit, of fires on the Mall, of dozens of planes being hijacked. People calling in saying the PLO was responsible, all of the raw, ethnic hatred on the air. Mesmerizing.

We had an all staff meeting planned for that day, and I was running a bit late. Just happened to be looking at CNN's site when it happened. At first, the reports said a small plane hit one of the towers. It wasn't until the 2nd plane hit that we knew something was up. I ran down to our auditorium to tell my boss what was going on. She told me to go to her office, turn on the TV and keep everyone updated. Panic quickly swept through the building as we heard that the Pentagon had been hit. As our office is only a few blocks from the White House, we were scared shitless. Reports of terrorists roaming the streets were coming in - the Capitol had been hit, no it hadn't, yes it had. So much confusion. My FW, who wasn't yet my FW, worked on the Hill. I couldn't reach her, as all of the phone lines were jammed. I stayed at work until about 2:00, then walked to the FW's apartment. She was safe, as were her roommates Colleen and Santi. We sat in front of the TV, in a trance. I finally decided I needed to head home - my apartment was just south of the Pentagon. The streets of DC were empty, with armed soldiers everywhere. Where the Hell am I? I drove past the Pentagon, the smoke and the smell were horrible. I got home, the dog was going crazy, the place stank of smoke and fuel (the windows were left open because it was such a beautiful day). My parents finally got ahold of me, scared that something had happened to me because I lived so close to the Pentagon. My little sister, bless her heart, was on a bus at the Pentagon when the plane hit, sound asleep. I remember seeing a cab go by, driven by a man I thought was Middle Eastern. For a split second, I hated him, wanted to do something to him. And that feeling will shame me for the rest of my life. But he didn't do it, something not all of us have realized.

What do you remember?

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Greetings from The Big Easy

Got to New Orleans last night and went to a great pre-wedding party. Kind of weird partying hard while across the street, folks were living in FEMA trailers. But hey, weddings are about celebrating family and friends. More on New Orleans later. Posted by Picasa