Friday, October 09, 2009

Obama Wins the Nobel Peace Prize

Speaking as a black man, the reaction to Obama getting the Nobel Peace Prize isn't that surprising - we've faced this our whole lives. None of us has ever deserved a promotion, been accepted into a college, or been qualified for any type of accolades that we've received - there's always a more deserving person who should have gotten it.

Tuesday, October 06, 2009


"You are being shagged by a rare parrot"!!

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

And we're off!

All packed, now to get some sleep before leaving Wednesday for India. A quick flight from National to JFK, then a 14 hour flight to Delhi. Yikes!

Sunday, September 06, 2009


The Mrs. and I are leaving for India in a few days. Hopefully, we'll have plenty of 'net access so I can share our journey with anyone who's interested. Until Wednesday, Namaste!

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

This Makes Me Feel A Little Better

I've been concerned about the Obama administration's stance on Gay Rights, in particular their brief on the DOMA case. In reading James McPherson's "Battle Cry of Freedom" - a great book on the Civil War, I came across the following about Lincoln.

"Nor did he go as far as many other Republicans who called for the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia and repeal of the fugitive slave law."

The real firebrand at the time in the Republican party was Seward. But it's because he was such a firebrand that he wasn't able to get elected to the Presidency.

Not to different from what we're saying about Obama today. But we don't remember Lincoln as the President who was reluctant to take action on slavery. Instead, we remember him as "The Great Emancipator".

Let's give the brother some time to get things done.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Haven't posted anything in awhile. Just wanted to say how disappointed I am in the administration's brief on the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). Hopefully, they know what they're doing. They've proven that they're playing the long game, not the short one, but on this one, I don't know.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009


My right shoulder has been killing me for about 2 weeks now. It started when my dog, Kaleb, decided it would be fun to chase a squirrel while I was walking him. He ran off and nearly pulled my arm off. I didn't think much of it at first - I even played a game in goal the following Sunday.

This past Friday while at work - the pain suddenly became unbearable. I suffered through it and even went out for my friend Dan's birthday. Nothing like beer to fix your pain, right? Wrong. By Saturday, I couldn't lift my arm above my head and I finally saw the doctor today. Prognosis? It's my rotator cuff. It's not torn, but it is damaged. I'm looking at a month's worth of rehab now.

Good times.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Found a Blackberry

In a crowd as large as yesterday's, it was inevitable that a ton of cell phones, digital cameras, etc. would be lost. We found one yesterday in Crystal City. If anyone out there reads this and knows who's phone has the following number, leave me a message and I'll do the best I can to get it back to them.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What A Day!

Today Is The Day We Have Been Waiting For

It's like Christmas, New Years and a birthday all wrapped up together. My thoughts are a jumble right now, don't really know what to say or how to say it.

We're leaving around 7:00 tomorrow morning to catch the bus downtown - we were lucky enough to get tickets for the swearing-in. We've got plenty of under armour, hand warmers, etc. It's gonna be cold, but well worth it. Plenty of pictures and video to follow.