The latest Swiftvet ads are running now, accusing Kerry of saying the US committed atrocities in Vietnam. Um, we did - heard of My Lai? Son Thang? Tiger Force? Of course, the Civil War wasn't about slavery either. Funny how only white folks say that.
What all of this is doing is making us forget about what's important TODAY!! The Vietnam War is in history books for a reason - it's history! It happened. Nothing we say or do today will change that. I was born in 1968, the height of the war. But you know what? I'm a lot more concerned about what's going to happen in the future. What kind of world will my children be born into? My grandchildren? That's what this election is about. Not what W or Kerry did 35 years ago. And you know what? I would have done the same thing W did - there's no way in hell my butt would have volunteered to go to a war zone, especially if we weren't under any direct threat. It's great that Kerry volunteered, but so what? It's also great that W didn't run away to Canada, but did what he needed to do not get killed in a jungle halfway around the world. So stop it, dammit! Talk about how you're going to fix the economy, how the hell we're going to get out of the mess in Iraq, how we're going to feed the poor, help the sick, get America respect by the world again. That's what I want to hear!
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