Monday, November 01, 2004

Greetings from Athens, GA

Hey kids,

Well, we're down here in Athens, GA, home of the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!). We're fighting for John Barrow, our Democratic candidate for Georgia's 12th Congressional District seat.

Athens is a beautiful town, reminds me much of Charlottesville, my favorite town on earth. We're getting out the vote, big time! My team alone has already reached over 800 voters, and we have tons of DCCC volunteers knocking on doors and handing out literature to voters. It's all about turnout folks!

And, as usual, the GOP is playing dirty. Yesterday, little kids were spotted being dropped off by their parents passing out Max Burns' (the GOP incumbent) flyers and removing Barrow's signs. It's illegal, but who's gonna prosecute little kids? Sneaky bastards!! But cheating won't win this time, MFers. We are pissed and won't take this shit anymore. Brothers and sisters are gonna vote in massive numbers, not just here, but all across this great land of ours!! Here that noise? That's karma getting ready to take a bite out of W's ass!!

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