Monday, July 18, 2005

I'm back

From Canada, that is. I had a wonderful time - the FW's family is really awesome, and just as welcoming as her family in Ireland.

Canada is a beautiful country, at least the parts I saw (Ottawa, Kitchener/Waterloo and Goderich). Visiting Canada was a bit strange, I have to admit. Everything seemed familiar, but was just a bit off - enough to make you tilt your head a bit. Remember that Seinfeld episode when Elaine met the "Bizzarro Jerry"? It was like that. The 1st thing I noticed was the French radio stations and the bi-lingual road signs. It was also interesting to drive through small farm towns and see the Maple Leaf flying, when my brain was expecting to see the Stars and Stripes (or even the Stars and Bars - I'm a Virginian). There's also a general lack of pigment. Every time I saw another black face in Ottawa, we'd do the "Brother Nod" - the universal Black Man acknowledgement when there aren't too many of us around - seen most commonly on college campuses and hallways across corporate America. Stopping to eat in small diners in rural Ontario, I'd get a few looks, but mostly I was told because they're just not used to seeing a black face except on TV, not any "what the hell are you doing here" looks.

More on my Canuck travels later.

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