Thursday, December 08, 2005

Ford Sucks Too

Don't know if any of you have heard about this, but Ford Motor Company has stopped advertising in gay publications for its Jaguar and Land Rover luxury brands, caving in to demands from the crazy MFers at the American Family Association (AFA). Not only that, but Ford has agreed to stop sponsoring gay events. Here's a question - Would Ford betray Blacks and Jews if the Klan objected? This is totally fucked up. AFA tries this shit all the time - AFA's boycott of Disney didn't go anywhere, they threatened Kraft, but Kraft had the balls to tell the AFA to screw off.

Dan Savage, a columnist and author I really like (you may have seen his "Savage Love" column in the City Paper), says the following:

HereƂ’s a list of Ford dealers (use the link to find your local dealer). Call them, tell them you're pissed. The "Built Ford Tough" boys collapsed into a puddle when the AFA assholes threatened them with a boycott. So let Ford know what you don't buy cars from companies that caves to right-wing hate mongers. And when the local dealers tell you that they didn't make this decision, tell them that's too bad. Tell them to scream and yell to Ford HQ and get this decision reversed, or you will never, ever consider buying a Ford.

And corporations can reverse themselves. Microsoft caved to right-wing Christian bullies, and then reversed itself. Tell them Ford can too. Tell them Ford better.

The FW and I have a Volvo, which is owned by Ford. I'm going out to buy a rainbow sticker today to put on our car. I'm also going to call Don Beyer Volvo and see what they have to say. Don Beyer was the former Lt. Governor of Virginia and headed up Howard Dean's fund raising efforts during the last campaign - he's a good Progressive and I doubt if he's very happy about this.

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