So much to talk about today. 1st, several Black Democratic leaders in Prince George's County, Maryland (see, I said Prince George's, not PG), are breaking ranks with the party to support Steele, the Republican nominee for Senator. The reason? The same tired whine of the Democratic Party taking us for granted. Gimme a break, do they really think the Republicans are our friends? And what evidence do they use for this? The fact that Mfume had to run against someone in order to get the nomination. It's a democracy, dipshits. That's what we have elections for. Personally, if I lived in Maryland (something I will never, ever do - I'm aVirginian born and bred), I'd have voted for Mfume. But guess what? He lost, and so I'd support my party's nominee. Steele really is Bush's Bitch, despite what his ads (don't) say.
2ndly, next week, in addition to the Senate and House races, voters in Virginia will choose whether or not to have a constitutional Amendment to ban same-sex marriages AND civil unions. It's gonna pass, sadly. What I don't get about the folks against gay marriage, is that they say marriage is between a man and a woman. Actually, what they say is that marriage is between ONE man and ONE woman - the way God intended it to be, throwing polygamy out too. But just about every man in the Old Testament (or just the Bible to The Chosen) are married to multiple women. What's that all about? Either the Bible was wrong, in which case gays should be allowed to marry, or the Bible is right, and we should marry as many folks as we want. Which is it?
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