Thanks Joe, it was nice knowing you.
“I mean, you got the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy,” he said. “I mean, that’s a storybook, man.”
Senator Joe Biden talking about Barrack Obama.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Don't you miss dating?
“Don’t you miss dating?” Uh oh! This is how Amber, my FW (Fabulous Wife for my new visitors) started a conversation not too long ago. This immediately put me into my GUY DEFENSIVE MODE – “Of course not, you’re perfect” or something to that effect.
As usual, I misinterpreted what she was saying. FW was talking about how much fun dating was for her and how she misses going out like we used to do. She’s right. Since we got the dog (who I wrote about earlier), we don’t really go out anymore. As wonderful as he is, he’s also fuckin’ neurotic, with serious separation anxiety issues (based, in no small part, on the fact that his previous owner died at home and he was inside with the body for a few days). If we leave him alone at night, he goes ape-shit, barking his fool head off. If we had a house, it wouldn’t be a problem, but we own a condo, with people living above us. We’ve recently found a few dog sitters, but haven’t really taken advantage of them yet. Wow, we sound pretty pathetic, don’t we? If aliens came down and observed us, they’d think we were the animal and the dogs were the intelligent species. I mean we clean up their shit, feed them, play with them whenever they want. Damn!
Sorry ‘bout that little detour. I was talking about dating, right? Anyway, I totally get what the FW was saying. Remember that feeling you would get in your gut when you would see someone you just started going out with? That same feeling you would get when a teacher would spring a pop quiz on you or call on you in class when you weren't paying attention - major butterflies in your stomach. I can remember when Amber and I 1st started dating (not just Amber, but anyone I dated. Sorry honey!), remembering how great she was and how she made me feel, but having a hard time remember her face. Anyone else know what I'm talking about? I miss that. I miss flirting when there were consequences. I'm still a big flirt, but both the object of my flirtation and I know nothing will come of it. I miss the 2nd date, because that meant she liked me enough to see me again. Nothing like a little validation, though the fact that she married my punk ass is pretty damn validating as well.
Full disclosure - I never dated much. I know, shocking. I didn't date at all in high school. Way too shy and self-conscious. I did have some MAJOR crushes though, especially on Kathy Murphy. She was the Andie to my Duckie (Pretty in Pink, children). That was pretty much my roll in high school - The Friend. Seriously, my life was a John Hughes movie. Duckie in Pretty in Pink, Kevin Dolenz in St. Elmo's Fire, you get the picture. It wasn't until my 2nd year at UVa (1st year was one long infatuation with Sophia DeSousa. English accent, punk dresser, need I say more), after I joined my fraternity that I developed something close to self confidence and started dating. 1st girfriend, Guia. Then I met Julie, and fell back into my Duckie mode for a year or so. Then there was Kathy. I seriously thought I'd marry her. We only dated for, what, 2 1/2 years, but they were good years (19-21). Sorry, I'm starting to channel Rob Fleming in High Fidelity. Great book by the way. Great author too. Actually, he's my favorite, and not just because he's an Arsenal fan. But I'm losing you now. Let me wrap this up by saying, I agree with my wife. I, too, miss dating. I'll write more on the ups and downs (mainly downs) of my dating past later on.
As usual, I misinterpreted what she was saying. FW was talking about how much fun dating was for her and how she misses going out like we used to do. She’s right. Since we got the dog (who I wrote about earlier), we don’t really go out anymore. As wonderful as he is, he’s also fuckin’ neurotic, with serious separation anxiety issues (based, in no small part, on the fact that his previous owner died at home and he was inside with the body for a few days). If we leave him alone at night, he goes ape-shit, barking his fool head off. If we had a house, it wouldn’t be a problem, but we own a condo, with people living above us. We’ve recently found a few dog sitters, but haven’t really taken advantage of them yet. Wow, we sound pretty pathetic, don’t we? If aliens came down and observed us, they’d think we were the animal and the dogs were the intelligent species. I mean we clean up their shit, feed them, play with them whenever they want. Damn!
Sorry ‘bout that little detour. I was talking about dating, right? Anyway, I totally get what the FW was saying. Remember that feeling you would get in your gut when you would see someone you just started going out with? That same feeling you would get when a teacher would spring a pop quiz on you or call on you in class when you weren't paying attention - major butterflies in your stomach. I can remember when Amber and I 1st started dating (not just Amber, but anyone I dated. Sorry honey!), remembering how great she was and how she made me feel, but having a hard time remember her face. Anyone else know what I'm talking about? I miss that. I miss flirting when there were consequences. I'm still a big flirt, but both the object of my flirtation and I know nothing will come of it. I miss the 2nd date, because that meant she liked me enough to see me again. Nothing like a little validation, though the fact that she married my punk ass is pretty damn validating as well.
Full disclosure - I never dated much. I know, shocking. I didn't date at all in high school. Way too shy and self-conscious. I did have some MAJOR crushes though, especially on Kathy Murphy. She was the Andie to my Duckie (Pretty in Pink, children). That was pretty much my roll in high school - The Friend. Seriously, my life was a John Hughes movie. Duckie in Pretty in Pink, Kevin Dolenz in St. Elmo's Fire, you get the picture. It wasn't until my 2nd year at UVa (1st year was one long infatuation with Sophia DeSousa. English accent, punk dresser, need I say more), after I joined my fraternity that I developed something close to self confidence and started dating. 1st girfriend, Guia. Then I met Julie, and fell back into my Duckie mode for a year or so. Then there was Kathy. I seriously thought I'd marry her. We only dated for, what, 2 1/2 years, but they were good years (19-21). Sorry, I'm starting to channel Rob Fleming in High Fidelity. Great book by the way. Great author too. Actually, he's my favorite, and not just because he's an Arsenal fan. But I'm losing you now. Let me wrap this up by saying, I agree with my wife. I, too, miss dating. I'll write more on the ups and downs (mainly downs) of my dating past later on.
Golden Handcuffs
What do you do when your job bores you to tears, but pays you so well that there's no way you'd leave? I'm bored, bored, bored with my job. It's become so petty and brings me absolutely no joy. Oh, I've got plenty of work to do, but there's no sense of fulfillment with my work. I don't feel I'm actually doing anything of importance. That's not exactly true. I'm not doing anything that challenges me or makes me feel worthwhile. That, my friends, is an awful feeling.
Now, my FW, she has a job she absolutely loves; one in which she can see the difference she makes in people's lives. It doesn't pay a great deal of money, so there's no way in Hell I could just up and switch careers now.
A couple of years ago, I tried getting into the field that I think would bring me the most joy, workwise - working in politics. But God, the pay was more than insulting. There's no way I could have taken any of the offers I had and still been able to afford certain things - like food, or clothing. Maybe when I was younger - a whole lot younger - when a diet of Ramen noodles, pizza and Coke would have been awesome. But I'm married now, with a mortgage. I always wondered why the radicals from the 60's sold out. Now I know. You have to make choices, and my chance to do what I want to do sadly passed me by years ago.
Now, my FW, she has a job she absolutely loves; one in which she can see the difference she makes in people's lives. It doesn't pay a great deal of money, so there's no way in Hell I could just up and switch careers now.
A couple of years ago, I tried getting into the field that I think would bring me the most joy, workwise - working in politics. But God, the pay was more than insulting. There's no way I could have taken any of the offers I had and still been able to afford certain things - like food, or clothing. Maybe when I was younger - a whole lot younger - when a diet of Ramen noodles, pizza and Coke would have been awesome. But I'm married now, with a mortgage. I always wondered why the radicals from the 60's sold out. Now I know. You have to make choices, and my chance to do what I want to do sadly passed me by years ago.
There was a time, not that long ago, that the FW and I would get in the same silly argument over and over. The topic? Did our dog love us or not. Seriously. FW has a huge heart and absolutely believes that our dog loves us as much as we love him. Being a premature curmudgeon (I'm only 38 but have started acting and thinking like a man twice my age) I said "of course not, he's dog. Why do you want to give human emotions to an animal?" But lately, looking at my little man, I think my FW was absolutely right. Every morning she wakes up before me and takes him outside. The 1st thing he does when he comes back inside is run, full steam, back to the bedroom and onto the bed to see me. When she goes to bed before I do, he will sit at my feet, sometimes until 1:00 am, until I'm ready for bed. He really is my shadow. When I'm feeling down, or reflective, he somehow knows this and will lay his little head in my lap, let out a deep sigh, and force me to pay attention to him - somehow he knows this will cheer me up. And the look in his eyes, man, let me tell you, he could melt the coldest of hearts.
Now, I know my siblings, who both have children will laugh at this as the ramblings of a crazy man, and will tell me there's no love like the love of a child. They may be right, but as I have no kids yet, I can't compare the two (and since they've never owned a dog as adults, neither can they), but the fact that he never, ever gets upset with me and his whole purpose in life somehow seems to be to make me happy, well, that's pretty damn cool.
Now, I know my siblings, who both have children will laugh at this as the ramblings of a crazy man, and will tell me there's no love like the love of a child. They may be right, but as I have no kids yet, I can't compare the two (and since they've never owned a dog as adults, neither can they), but the fact that he never, ever gets upset with me and his whole purpose in life somehow seems to be to make me happy, well, that's pretty damn cool.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Is It Common For The Police To Call For Backup On A Routine Traffic Stop?
Yesterday, on the way home from work, I stopped to get my oil changed. After leaving Jiffy Lube, I was making a left hand turn, and noticed a motorcycle cop behind me. As soon as I made the turn, he turned on his siren and pulled me over. I knew I turned my signal on, and my lights had just been checked at Jiffy Lube, so why was he pulling me over. I rolled down the window and he said "Hey Buddy, you know it's illegal to have a radar detector?" Radar detector? What was he talk... oh, it was my Sirius satellite radio. It does look a lot like a radar detector. Anyway, he made me show him the radio and asked if there was somewhere else I could put it. I told him that wouldn't really solve the problem, since anywhere I put it, it would still look like a radar detector. As this was going on, 2 patrol cars pulled up. I guess he needed backup on a radar detector stop. Very weird.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
This from ABC News today:
You have to read way into the article to find out that this isn't breaking news. In fact, "the documents captured by coalition forces during a raid of a safe house believed to house Iraqi members of al Qaeda six months ago". Six months ago? And they wait until the night before the State of The Union to talk about it? Do they really think the American people are that stupid?
The article goes on to say that "the plan was uncovered in its early stages, and sources say there is no indication that the suspects made it into the United States. Officials also emphasize that there is no evidence of an imminent attack". No evidence of an imminent attack? Then why is this news?
Mimicking the hijackers who executed the Sept. 11 attacks, insurgents reportedly tied to al Qaeda in Iraq considered using student visas to slip terrorists into the United States to orchestrate a new attack on American soil.
You have to read way into the article to find out that this isn't breaking news. In fact, "the documents captured by coalition forces during a raid of a safe house believed to house Iraqi members of al Qaeda six months ago". Six months ago? And they wait until the night before the State of The Union to talk about it? Do they really think the American people are that stupid?
The article goes on to say that "the plan was uncovered in its early stages, and sources say there is no indication that the suspects made it into the United States. Officials also emphasize that there is no evidence of an imminent attack". No evidence of an imminent attack? Then why is this news?
Friday, January 19, 2007
Worst. Actor. Ever.
Every Monday night at 10:00 pm, my FW and I sit down to watch a show so terrifically bad, it's good. CSI:Miami. David Caruso is the new William Shatner. Take a look.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
South Beach
Just got back from visiting South Beach with my favorite lady (that would be my wife, folks). Here are some pix taken on our jaunt to sunny, warm Florida.
South Beach 07
South Beach 07
The Counter Attack
From my West Coast Little Brutha #2, Sunflower Dubois -
When you walk out of your front door in the morning, what's the first thing you see? When you begin your commute to the job that costs more to get there and back than you earn; Before you have cleared your head and opened your eyes and prepared yourself for the beginning of the unknown, what blinds you? When the twelve dollars you planned to last you through the week has been spent on the neccessary morning stimulants,tell me, what rains down on you like a god? Have you ever noticed how often and how quickly you are solicited to spend? Of course you have. How could you not notice the 8 a.m. billboard reminding you of the 2007 SUV with Autobon capabilities. Is it possible to ignore the Sanyo blimp? Is there a public bus that doesn't glow with yellow side-panels selling walkie-talkie features and unlimited ring-tones? How many times will you be convinced that you love the golden arches? How fast will you be sold a seven dollar coffee?
The minute we wake we are sold something. We are told our lives will be more enjoyable or of higher value if we complete ourselves with so and so's product. We are told that the air-brushed smiles and digitized eyes can't be wrong. We're told that we aren't seeing shit unless it's on a ninety-eight inch plasma.
This year, BILLIONS of dollars will be spent by the advertising industry telling us which object of popularity best suits us and our wallet, and every morning there will be a new scheme, a new illusion, a new neccessity created in order to get us to spend and, basically, purchase ourselves deeper into debt and poverty.
None of this is new to us, though. We have long been aware of the Beast and his manipulation and his hunger for what we earn. But what do we do about it?
It's easy to walk with our heads down, avoiding eye contact with the billboards and neon signs, but wouldn't you rather keep your head up and enjoy what little open space remains?
What if we, as artist from all walks, decided to counter-attack. I use the term "counter-attack" because we are, indeed, being attacked. We are bombarded from all angles with heavy handed commercialism and struck down by the material goals that have been designed and set for us to obtain. Our city streets have been attacked and are now patrolled by artificial hopes and aspirations.
what if, one morning, when you begin your day, instead of mass advertisements and the encouragements to buy, buy, buy, you are encouraged to live, to appreciate the beauty around us, to love without condition, to "create" the beautiful days we so often tell eachother to "have". What if we were asked to give instead of consume?
Brothers and Sisters, I stand convinced that we, as artists and lovers and educators and truthseekers, hold the golden key to the (r)evolution we speak of everyday. There is noone more capable of promoting growth and devolpment better than US.
So, I ask you to come together in "The Counter-Attack".
Nationwide, we will be giving the gift of Art. Within our communities we will distribute, post and promote Art of all forms. Whether it be our own creations or the creations of other's that inspire us; whether it be our paintings or poetry or our own independant music, we will give it. We will occupy those rush hour intersections and offer our love of color and word play and rhythms. We will encourage others to excape the materialistic and commercial avenues they travel. We will ask people to display art in their windows. We will gather in the parks and paint with our children (they are all of our children). We will approach our neighborhood coffee shops and ask to have poetry readings. We will have poetry readings in the street. We will add some color to the grey streets and replace the murmur of advertisement with the heartbeat of the people who nolonger wish to be sold anything.
The possibilities are numerous. It is time we come together and coordinate this day. If only for one day, we can block out the rays of consumption, and give.
If you are interested in involving your city and community please contact me and lets exchange ideas and discuss the routes to take.
Lets do this people.
I also ask those of you who are already involved in our movement to please repost this and keep the word going.
Thank You, Sunflower duBois.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Are you sure you're in Miami Beach?
So how does your intrepid blogger spend a beautiful early afternoon in South Beach? Why, he heads to an Irish pub and watches Arsenal beat Blackburn 2-0.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Bienvendio A Miami!

Hey folks. We're in beautiful, sunny Miami. Got here about 3 hours ago, leaving freezing, wet DC behind. Our 7:00 am flight was overbooked, and the ticket agent asked if anyone would mind giving up their seats for a $150 voucher and guaranteed seats on the 9:00 am flight. We jumped at the chance, since (a) we were tired and wanted to get some more sleep and (b) we wouldn't be able to check into our room until at least noon anyway. Everything was set, until the early flight was finished boarding and the ticket agent came over to us - "Hi. Thanks for volunteering, but we didn't need your seats after all. Would you mind taking these 1st class seats as a thank you?" Bonus!! As a tall man, I wasn't looking forward to 2 hours in coach, so this was like a gift from Heaven. I slept like a baby the entire flight here, only waking up as we were landing.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Yep, I'm Still Here
Hey folks,
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Getting back into the routine of working after 2 weeks off for the holidays is rougher than I thought it would be. I've been way to tired to write anything, not that all that much is going on anyway. The FW and I are headed to Miami on Friday to take advantage of the long weekend. Never been there for fun, only work back in the day. Should be fun - at least it'll give me some new material.
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. Getting back into the routine of working after 2 weeks off for the holidays is rougher than I thought it would be. I've been way to tired to write anything, not that all that much is going on anyway. The FW and I are headed to Miami on Friday to take advantage of the long weekend. Never been there for fun, only work back in the day. Should be fun - at least it'll give me some new material.
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Totally Random
The wife and I went to see "The Holiday" over the weekend. Pretty cute chick flick, if totally predictable. But it got me thinking about one of the stars, Cameron Diaz. Yes, she's attractive in a weird way, but is she an ugly hot chick, or a hot ugly chick? Discuss.
Monday, January 01, 2007
Happy New Year
Well, 2006 started out very brightly (buying our first home), but ended on a very sad note (losing the FW's mother just before Thanksgiving). Looking forward to a happier, more prosperous 2007.
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