From my West Coast Little Brutha #2, Sunflower Dubois -
When you walk out of your front door in the morning, what's the first thing you see? When you begin your commute to the job that costs more to get there and back than you earn; Before you have cleared your head and opened your eyes and prepared yourself for the beginning of the unknown, what blinds you? When the twelve dollars you planned to last you through the week has been spent on the neccessary morning stimulants,tell me, what rains down on you like a god? Have you ever noticed how often and how quickly you are solicited to spend? Of course you have. How could you not notice the 8 a.m. billboard reminding you of the 2007 SUV with Autobon capabilities. Is it possible to ignore the Sanyo blimp? Is there a public bus that doesn't glow with yellow side-panels selling walkie-talkie features and unlimited ring-tones? How many times will you be convinced that you love the golden arches? How fast will you be sold a seven dollar coffee?
The minute we wake we are sold something. We are told our lives will be more enjoyable or of higher value if we complete ourselves with so and so's product. We are told that the air-brushed smiles and digitized eyes can't be wrong. We're told that we aren't seeing shit unless it's on a ninety-eight inch plasma.
This year, BILLIONS of dollars will be spent by the advertising industry telling us which object of popularity best suits us and our wallet, and every morning there will be a new scheme, a new illusion, a new neccessity created in order to get us to spend and, basically, purchase ourselves deeper into debt and poverty.
None of this is new to us, though. We have long been aware of the Beast and his manipulation and his hunger for what we earn. But what do we do about it?
It's easy to walk with our heads down, avoiding eye contact with the billboards and neon signs, but wouldn't you rather keep your head up and enjoy what little open space remains?
What if we, as artist from all walks, decided to counter-attack. I use the term "counter-attack" because we are, indeed, being attacked. We are bombarded from all angles with heavy handed commercialism and struck down by the material goals that have been designed and set for us to obtain. Our city streets have been attacked and are now patrolled by artificial hopes and aspirations.
what if, one morning, when you begin your day, instead of mass advertisements and the encouragements to buy, buy, buy, you are encouraged to live, to appreciate the beauty around us, to love without condition, to "create" the beautiful days we so often tell eachother to "have". What if we were asked to give instead of consume?
Brothers and Sisters, I stand convinced that we, as artists and lovers and educators and truthseekers, hold the golden key to the (r)evolution we speak of everyday. There is noone more capable of promoting growth and devolpment better than US.
So, I ask you to come together in "The Counter-Attack".
Nationwide, we will be giving the gift of Art. Within our communities we will distribute, post and promote Art of all forms. Whether it be our own creations or the creations of other's that inspire us; whether it be our paintings or poetry or our own independant music, we will give it. We will occupy those rush hour intersections and offer our love of color and word play and rhythms. We will encourage others to excape the materialistic and commercial avenues they travel. We will ask people to display art in their windows. We will gather in the parks and paint with our children (they are all of our children). We will approach our neighborhood coffee shops and ask to have poetry readings. We will have poetry readings in the street. We will add some color to the grey streets and replace the murmur of advertisement with the heartbeat of the people who nolonger wish to be sold anything.
The possibilities are numerous. It is time we come together and coordinate this day. If only for one day, we can block out the rays of consumption, and give.
If you are interested in involving your city and community please contact me and lets exchange ideas and discuss the routes to take.
Lets do this people.
I also ask those of you who are already involved in our movement to please repost this and keep the word going.
Thank You, Sunflower duBois.
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