Tuesday, May 01, 2007


In today's Washington Post, columnist Eugene Robinson wrote about the latest study on the instances of minorities being pulled over by the police, i.e., Driving While Black (or brown) - DWB. A reader responded to him today by asking,

what's the big deal? If you're not hiding anything, who cares?

My response to that is here:

The big deal is that a lifetime of people crossing the street when they see you coming, of women on elevators clutching their persons when you get on, of salespeople following your around a store, of people questioning why you're living in a certain neighborhood, of assuming you're in college because of a sports scholarship, these things add up to an incredible feeling of helplessness, anger and frustration. 17 years later I still remember my 1st experience of DWB. I was driving to the Outer Banks right after finals my fourth year in college, with my (white) girlfriend. We were on I-64, moving along with traffic, when a Virgnia State Trooper pulled up alongside us, gave us a long, hard stare, passed us on the left, pulled over on the side of the highway -- and once we passed him came back onto the road behind us and pulled me over. Said I was tailgating the car in front of me. The closest car to me was a good 25 yards ahead. Here we are in 2007, and every time I think about it, I still start shaking with anger.

To quote Jay-Z - "Son, do you know why I'm stopping you for? Because I'm young and I'm black and my hat’s real low? Do I look like a mind-reader, sir? I don't know."

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