Just got this e-mail from my father:
I was too young to cast my first vote for JFK in 1960 ( the minimum age
then was 21 and I was only twenty).
I registered to vote in Roanoke, VA, on my twenty first birthday,
August 27, 1961. I had to pass a literacy test (reading from a portion
of the Constitution before some minor functionary). The Voting Rights
Act had not yet been passed.
Thanks be to God, I have lived long enough to see this day!!
Tears are in my eyes!!!
Anyone who can make my dad feel this way has my vote.
I'm also tired of people saying that Obama's "all talk, no substance - what about specifics on issues?". 1st of all, you're damn lazy - ever heard of google? Go to his website and look it up for yourselves - http://www.barackobama.com/issues/. On most things (the vote to go to war being a major difference), Obama and Clinton are quite close. However, she's such a polarizing figure, that even if she were to win, it would be by such a razor thin margin that we'd have another 4 years of bickering back and forth between right and left. Obama really and truly believes in One America, and wants to put an end to the past 16 years of pettiness that we've had to live with.
Another thing - I remember my 1st vote in a Presidential >Election. It was 1988, my 2nd year at UVa, and it was Reagan/Bush vs. Dukakis/Bentsen. Since then, every election we've had has had either a Bush or a Clinton the ballot - we really need a fresh start. Seriously, 30 years with either a Bush or a Clinton in the White House is long enough.
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