Thursday, March 27, 2008


In about 6 weeks, Amber and I will be following the footsteps (well, actually wagon tracks) of the pioneers. Our niece Little Amber is graduating from high school in May, and we're headed to Morrill, Nebraska for the fun. We'll be flying into Denver and staying a couple of days at the Curtis Hotel. We'll see some of the sights and some old friends before driving to Morrill, via Cheyenne, Wyoming. We're stopping for lunch in Cheyenne with some of my colleagues from the Wyoming Education Association. We're staying in Nebraska for two days, then headed north to Mt. Rushmore for a day, and then west across Wyoming (with a possible detour to Devils Tower) to Jackson Hole - stopping overnight in Thermopolis.

All told, we'll drive around 1500 miles total, and see parts of the country we've never seen before.

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