Friday, January 15, 2010

Why I Haven't Blogged in Awhile

Facebook has taken me away from this blog for sometime now. Why? It's much easier to have flowing discussions on FB than here on the blog. For example, here's what I'm talking about today on FB:

My Status update - To quote Nate Silver, if Coakley blows it with an electorate that gives Obama 59% approval, that's very different than if voters are totally fed up with the Dems.

I think Im going to be a libertarian from now on. I love Obama, just because he is such an inspiration, but I am fed up with big government, tired of them being in every little bit of business. Im just fed up with Politicians.

Amen Michelle...I am going Independant

I think voters are just plain fed up. Neither party has answers! How disappointing that even though we have a Democrat in the White House, as well as Democrat Pelosi and all her minions in Congress, we're still at a stand still. I'm Republican on most counts, but I'm fairly certain no Republican would be doing any better.

Voters aren't fed up. Most voters don't even pay attention to what's going on (if they did, we'd have much higher voter turnouts). There's a very vocal minority on both wings that are getting all of the press because it sells ad revenue. Most politicians, of both parties, actually care very much about the work they do, but differ on how to best help the country. It's easy to blame politicians, but you you know what? They didn't get there by themselves. We have elections - we put them in office. If we don't like them, we have this wonderful system that allows us to vote them out of office and replace them with someone else. There's so much that actually does get done on the Federal, State and local level that most people don't hear about because it's not mentioned in the 10 second soundbites on the nightly news or the talking heads on TV don't argue over it. Go to your legislators website, read the bills they're working on, write to them to tell them what you think. But most of all, vote. (this PSA brought to you by

Me again
To qualify, voters aren't fed up with the person that "they" voted for, they're fed up with anyone who doesn't do exactly what they want them to do.