Thursday, July 15, 2004

Get Out The Vote, Bush Style!

In and effort to reach black voters, has the following on their site: "From the founding of the Republican Party to today, African Americans have been central to the GOP. The leadership of President George W. Bush provides an opportunity for us to work together and better include everyone of all backgrounds in the Republican Party. Bringing African Americans back to the Party of Lincoln has been a central priority of President Bush, RNC Chairman Ed Gillespie, and is the mission of the RNC's African American Team Leader Outreach program. President Bush has been a champion of real policies that will make a difference to African Americans - from the No Child Left Behind Act that improves education through choice and accountability, to strengthening faith-based and community organizations, to welfare reform that helps people find work. Working together with African Americans in communities across the country, we can make the Party of Lincoln stronger and more diverse than ever before."

So how does President Bush kick-off his black outreach efforts? By being the 1st President since the 1930s to snub an invitation to speak to the NAACP. "You've heard the rhetoric and the names they've called me," he said last week. I guess Dubya never played the dozens when he was a kid!

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