Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Golden Handcuffs

What do you do when your job bores you to tears, but pays you so well that there's no way you'd leave? I'm bored, bored, bored with my job. It's become so petty and brings me absolutely no joy. Oh, I've got plenty of work to do, but there's no sense of fulfillment with my work. I don't feel I'm actually doing anything of importance. That's not exactly true. I'm not doing anything that challenges me or makes me feel worthwhile. That, my friends, is an awful feeling.

Now, my FW, she has a job she absolutely loves; one in which she can see the difference she makes in people's lives. It doesn't pay a great deal of money, so there's no way in Hell I could just up and switch careers now.

A couple of years ago, I tried getting into the field that I think would bring me the most joy, workwise - working in politics. But God, the pay was more than insulting. There's no way I could have taken any of the offers I had and still been able to afford certain things - like food, or clothing. Maybe when I was younger - a whole lot younger - when a diet of Ramen noodles, pizza and Coke would have been awesome. But I'm married now, with a mortgage. I always wondered why the radicals from the 60's sold out. Now I know. You have to make choices, and my chance to do what I want to do sadly passed me by years ago.


JoJo said...

As you know, I feel your pain too well, my friend.

Anonymous said...

it sucks so bad. that is why i had to get out. the leave the benefits. friday's off in the summer is reason enough to stay


Anonymous said...

I'm in the same situation. I really want to work elsewhere, but a 25-30 thousand pay cut is hard to do when I have wife & kids to feed. It really is a hard situation to deal with. I understand how you feel.