Sunday, September 28, 2008

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Friday, September 19, 2008


Why is it okay to spend trillions of taxpayers dollars to bail out failing companies but not okay to spend the money on universal health care? Just wondering.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Monday, September 08, 2008

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Obama's response

Stay Positive

How do we fight back? Watch and learn:

Cautious, but not worried.

After watching Gov. Palin's speech last night, I went to bed wondering "WTF? That woman's someone to be reckoned with". But this morning, in reflection, I'm not too worried. It's obvious that the Republicans plan on running the same race today that they ran in 2000 and 2004, i.e., play on people's fears. That got them the 50% plus 1 the last 2 times, but remember, that was against 2 very lackluster Democratic nominees in Gore and Kerry, 2 nominees that did nothing to excite the Democratic base, much less enlarge it. 2008 is a whole different story. Between the huge amounts of enthuism that exist among the Democratic rank and file about our candidate, and the incredible numbers of new votes we're getting (especially minorities and younger voters, 2 groups who have not really shown up in numbers before), we're more than ready to take on the Rove machine. You can try to scare folks all you want, but we know it's about more than fear this time. It's about doing what's right. It's about caring for your neighbor, for those less fortunate than you. It's about embracing our differences, about this being a nation that respects the Constitution, it's about turning this economy around, and about going after those that really attacked us, not some straw man. To quote our last good President, it's about the economy, stupid.

So go on, keep being ugly and divisive. Keep throwing those punches. We can bob, we can weave. And when all of your attacks have been thrown, and we're still standing, not even breaking a sweat, it's your time to be afraid. Because that's when we'll land our knock out punch. Don't believe me? Ask the others who doubted our candidate, who doubted what we've been able to achieve. We hear you, we see your threat, but your time has come and gone. We are not afraid of you anymore.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Um, say what?

1st, we were told that Gov. Palin decided to keep her baby after finding out the child had Down's Syndrome. Now we're being told that Gov. Palin's daughter has decided to keep the baby she's carrying and marry the father - "We're proud of Bristol's decision to have her baby and even prouder to become grandparents".

I thought if you were Pro-Life, it wasn't a choice, so how could you make a decision that doesn't exist?