Friday, December 19, 2008


Ambition: Go to Uva or Brown, major in political science, and make America safe for Liberalism, or become a Navy pilot and own a Porsche 911 convertible.

That's what I wrote for my senior yearbook in high school, way back in 1986. Tomorrow I turn 40, and I've been feeling a bit melancholy and down, but reading that makes me feel a lot better. I actually did what I set out to do. I didn't become a Navy pilot, obviously (too tall), but I did go to Uva, majored in International Relations/Religion, and I think this past November I've achieved my dream. Not too shabby!

A lot has happened to me since 1986. Some major ups, some major downs, but I think I'm actually at peace with myself and where I am in life. A major reason for that is the incredible support I've had from my parents, who've been by my side through everything, and the love and support of my wife Amber for the past 7 years.

When I met Amber, I was coming off of on of the most dismal periods of my life. I was a life threatening accident the summer of 1999, got divorced in 2000 and lost my job in early 2001. The summer of '01, everything started to change – I was hired by NEA, and I met a woman who believed in me and has helped reach my true potential. I don't have the words to show how much she's meant to me, but anyone's who's met her knows what I'm talking about. She really is my rock.

So, here I am, my last day as a 30-something. I've got great friends, a wonderful family, and the best wife anyone could hope for. Here's to 40 more!