Wednesday, April 06, 2005


Last week, W said that we should always err on the side of life (referring to Terri Schiavo). But what about folks on Death Row, Mr. President?


Anonymous said...

Your way of thinking is really twisted! There's a difference between people who are in a vegetative state and people who murdered, raped, and molested other people.

Anonymous said...

and i guess you're also ready to go to the border and defend YOUR country right? Your country that was stolen from the ancestry of many of those seeking a better life in this "land of opportunity" that doesn't even take care of its own... YOU NEED TO OPEN YOUR EYES AND YOUR MIND and READ READ READ!!!! GET INFORMED--

Chaz said...

Thought I, the "psycho" who should be "fucking shot" should respond. Are you saying that everyone on deathrow is guilty? What about case after case of DNA proving someone's innocence? It's gotten so bad that Illinois has imposed a moratorium on executions. Yet, while governor of Texas, W admits that he spent less than 20 minutes reviewing each execution warrant that passed his desk.

And while I'm at it, how dare you say I should be shot for expressing my opinion. The last I checked, this was still the United States. We don't kill people for expressing their views. At least not yet.

Chaz said...

I've got more to say. Should the Pope (bless his soul)have been shot for his views? He made no difference between people on death row and others - he was very clear- "thou shalt not kill". Now, I'm not as absolutist as that, but pretty close. But if you follow the President's logic - that if we don't know what Terri wanted, we should err on the side of life, then shouldn't we err on the side of life if there is evidence that may prove a person is not guilty?

Anonymous said...

Okay...I have to step in here. While I don't think anyone should be "fucking shot" for expressing their opinions...who's the nutjob?....But I do agree that there's a BIG difference between "people who are in a vegetative state and people who murdered, raped, and molested other people".

Chaz said...

Well, the Catholic Church would disagree with you on your second point. They say a life is a life, regardless of any sins the person may have committed. And the point I was trying to make was that if the President wants to err on the side of life if there's any question about a person's wish to be kept alive or not, then we should also err on the side of life if a person may have been unjustly convicted. Exhaust every means of determining guilt or innocence, not this bull of only having 2 years to file an appeal. Again, not every person on death row is guilty. I mentioned Illinois earlier, but yesterday, New York decided to "kill" the death penalty. Money quote "Codes Committee Chairman Joseph Lentol, who had supported the death penalty, said advances in DNA technology have shown innocent people are too often convicted of murder."