Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Am I a Snob?

My high school 20 year reunion is coming up this summer. Yep, I'm officially old now.

First of all, kudos to all involved in planning our 20 year reunion. I know it can't be easy. That being said, I've just looked at the website for the company assisting in the planning, and see that the cost is going to be $89 a person. Not a big deal, except that it's being held at the VFW Hall. I noticed that Falls Church High is having their reunion, for the same price, at a Marriott, and Lake Braddock is having there's for less at the Hilton in Arlington.

A few months ago, some friends and I e-mailed our former classmates in charge of the reunion, asking them why they decided to hold it at the Dale City VFW Hall. We were told it was to keep the cost down. Um, that doesn't seem to be true. Am I a snob for wanting my 20th reunion held someplace nice and with a little class?

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