Sunday, June 08, 2008


Can't blog - too hot! How did we survive as a species without A/C?


Anonymous said...

Given that you chose to stay home and watch TV inside on Saturday rather than play softball, I have no sympathy.


Anonymous said...

DUDE, it is ABSURDLY hot here in Charleston. AND PRACTICALLY NO A/C!!! A and his beach cottage roommates -- all grown ups, mind you -- don't think there's anything wrong with the thermostat set at 60 that is registering at 80+ degrees. Hmmmm. Just because it is ever-so-slightly cooler inside than it is outside, does NOT mean that the A/C is working. Holy sweet goodness. And I think it might be cooler outside. So I'm sitting in a coffeeshop, typing and enjoying the cool. SWEET.

Anonymous said...

What Katie said...