Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Another flip-flop

In a 1978 interview with the Lubbock Avalanche-Journal, congressional candidate George W. Bush "said he opposes the pro-life amendment favored by (his opponent) and favors leaving up to a woman and her doctor the abortion question."

Hmm. This is the same guy who is "pro-life" and as president supports a consitutional amendment to ban abortion. What gives?


Anonymous said...

Pres. Bush is a born-again type of guy and has commented on his abortion position many times. I don't think this change of heart really requires an explanation.

Chaz said...

No, but to attack Kerry for changing his position on issues while he himself has done the same thing is pretty hypocritical.

Anonymous said...

The only difference in my mind is that the reasons for Pres. Bush's change of heart are apparent whereas Sen. Kerry has yet to explain his.

This is not to say that I accept the President's explanations but I cannot deny he has made an attempt which the Senator has failed to do on his so called flip-flops.

Chaz said...

Has Kerry failed to, or has it not been reported? One of the biggest "flip-flops" attributed to Kerry has been the vote for $87 billion in funding for the war. He voted for the initial version, then when an amendment to the supplemental appropriations bill that would have rolled back $90 billion in Bush tax cuts to pay for the bill was cut out, he voted against it. So yes, he did vote for it then against it. It happens all the time on bills in Congress, by folks on both sides of the aisle.

I'm not attacking W for changing his mind on abortion. People change their minds all the time. I'm criticizing him for attacking his opponent for changing his mind.