Monday, July 19, 2004

Getting out the Vote in North Carolina

I just got back from a great weekend in North Carolina, getting out the vote with over 100 Democratic Activists for a special election being held tomorrow in the 1st Congressional District (GK Butterfield is running for the seat vacated by Rep. Frank Ballance).  Two busloads of us hit the road Friday evening, headed for Wilson, NC.  My team (H-Bomb!!!) was assigned Scotland Neck, NC on Saturday and we canvassed like there was no tomorrow!  They're going to be talking about that blue van for a long time down there!  I want to give a shout out to Renae, Octavio, Shannon, Julia and Kelly - we kicked ass! 
After a night of  unwinding back in Wilson (that's the understatement of the year), we hit the streets again yesterday, this time in Enfield, NC.  It was hot, it was muggy, but most of all, it was awesome.  We Democrats talk a lot about diversity, but damned if this wasn't the most diverse group of people I've ever seen.  On H-Bomb alone we had folks from Dallas, LA, Sacramento, S. Dakota, Connecticut and Virginia.  Canvassers were Black, White, Latino, Native American and Asian.  Straight and Gay.  Young and old.  But most importantly, we were all Democrats and we're taking back the House!

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