Wednesday, June 08, 2005


Went to the Nats game last night vs. Oakland. They won 2-1 and are still in 1st. Had a great time, but damn it was muggy - which is why they invited beer, right? Gotta love DC in the summer. Just one negative thought. Could someone, please, spend a few bucks and fix the broken seats at RFK?


Anonymous said...

Strange blongsite.
Stranger that you believe we're strangers.
Stranger that we are not strangers.
Strange is this blogsite.
Stranger that you are a part of the audacious aim at anal-izing the world with the world wide web.
Strange is the idea of a blogsite.
Strange is this blogsite.
Stranger is the anonymitity of being anonymous.
Strange is that we are never alone.
Strange is this blogsite.
Strane that your newly beloved Nats do so well south of the border away from the French fans of an american pasttime.
Strange that you would cheer for a team called the Nationals with such leftists thoughts Chaz.
Strange is the time you have now shared with me, yet still we are

Chaz said...

Nice poem. As far as having leftist thoughts and cheering a team called the Nationals, I'll just quote the bumper sticker on my car: "I don't have to like Bush to love my country".